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Effects of traditional Korean medicine on anti-Mullerian hormone in patients with diminished ovarian reserve: a retrospective study

Junyoung Jo et al.




Acupuncture and IVF: poor responders: a cure?

Magarelli P et al.




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Advancement in the treatment of diminished ovarian reserve by traditional Chinese and western medicine (review)


Zheng Y et al.




Bee Stings at sites of Acupuncture as a potential therapy for idiopathic premature ovarian failure: a pilot study


Ayman Shehata et al.





Clinical efficacy of macrophage-activating chinese mixed herbs (MACH) in improvement of embryo qualities in women with long-term infertility of unknown etiology.

Ushiroyama T et al.





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Oocyte quality improvement using a herbal medicine comprising 7 crude drugs

Inoue T et al.





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Effects of transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation on ovarian reserve of patients with diminished ovarian reserve in in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer cycles

Zheng Y et al.




Clinical observation of the pre treatment in 98 infertile DOR patients

Meng X et al.




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Clinical observation of Zishen Butai pill in the treatment of diminished ovarian reserve with weak spleen and kidney


Shi y et al.




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Clinical study of black turtle in the treatment of diminished ovarian reserve


Zhang J et al.




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Clinical observation of townifying kidney and regulating menstruation combined with western medicine in the treatment of DOR 


Huang X et al.




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The effect of TCM periodic treatment on ovarian reserve


Meng Q et al.




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Acupuncture for the treatment of diminished ovary reserve


Mao Q et al.





Case report: Traditional Chinese medicine combined with acupuncture improved diminished ovarian reserve


Lin Su et al.





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Electroacupuncture for reproductive hormone levels in patients with diminished ovarian reserve: a prospective observational study

Wang Y et al.




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Diminished ovarian reserve, climid, and traditional Chinese medicine: a case study


Rubin L et al.




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The egg factor: using Chinese herbal medicine to improve fertility in a 45 year old woman


Heese I et al.




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Traditional Chinese medicine for diminished ovarian reserve: a systematic review and meta analysis

Xia T et al.




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Effects of transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation on ovarian reserve of patients with diminished ovarian reserve in in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer cycles


Zheng Y et al.




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Eletroacupuncture for reproductive hormone levels in patients with diminished ovarian reserve: a prospective observational study



Wang Y et al.




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Acupuncture stimulation of acupoints of multiple meridians for patients with diminished ovarian reserve of both yin and yang deficiency

Tang Wl et al.




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Electro-acupuncture attenuates the mice prematura ovarian failure via mediating PI3K/ART/mTOR pathway


Zhang H et al.




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Theory and application regarding stage by stage acupuncture for diminished ovarian reserve

Li X et al.




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© 2013 Agulhas da fertilidade. Todos os direitos reservados. Autorizado a publicação parcial do site desde que contenha a citação.

Effects of menstrual cycle based acupuncture therapy on IVF-ET in patients with decline in ovarian reserve

Zhou L et al.




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Effect of acupuncture on the expressions of TNF alfa and IFN gama in patients with premature ovarian failure

 Ming Y et al.




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© 2013 Agulhas da fertilidade. Todos os direitos reservados. Autorizado a publicação parcial do site desde que contenha a citação.

© 2013 Agulhas da fertilidade. Todos os direitos reservados. Autorizado a publicação parcial do site desde que contenha a citação.

Acupuncture combined with medication improves endocrine hormone levels and ovarian reserve function in poor ovarian response patients undergoing in vitro fertilization - embryo transplantation

Dong X et al.




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© 2013 Agulhas da fertilidade. Todos os direitos reservados. Autorizado a publicação parcial do site desde que contenha a citação.

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